Psychic Discoveries Over The Cosmic Plan
The Dark Threshold
“Each of us can exist in one world and not exist in another and consequently be an observer or not of the world in question. In other words, a specific quantum event could occur for which this "viewer" is created while in another world it will not be.”
-Lev Vaidman.
The Space Between
The Space Between is an ep inspired by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. Just as the city does not say its past, it contains it like the lines of a hand. The Space Between travels, crossing the mirror of the unimaginable, memorizing the indefinite elsewhere.
Click the image to be taken to the Sequencial Bandcamp page.
Q Mass Syndrome
Q-Mass Syndrome has been heavily influenced by The Quatermass Experiment directed by Val Gues in the 1955; it is also a completely personal adaptation to the hidden imaginary behind the scenes of the secret military space program.
A surrealist palette of sounds created to dilate time and space.
Click the image to be taken to the Sequencial Bandcamp page.